Wednesday, September 5, 2007

When Poets Hate

I have removed Loree O'neil's poem, Reflections of 911 and the links to her Poetry weblog from my weblog. I found something terrible about Loree O'neil who is against American Jews. Here is what I found on Google.

Here is an excerpt of a angry rant she posted on a forum about Jews and her link to the white supremacist group she uses as her authority. And she also used a smiley face because she thinks this is funny.

Reading the history of the Jewish people, is
exactly what has earned them the reputation they have, that causes some people

As you point out, there is the 'money' issue....Even Jesus took
a whip and chased the money changers out of the Temple....those money changers,
according to the Bible, WERE Jews.

How do you feel about, among dozens
of OTHER famous people, warnings from such great leaders as George Washington
and Benjamin Franklin, about the 'evil' of Jews? When I learned that, I was
quite surprised, as it isn't something 'taught' in school:-)


(c) Loree (Mason) O'Neil
(c) Loree (Mason) O'Neil


Anonymous said...

My good friend,

It is just this kind of hate we fight against every day. The KuKluxKlan we can handle. It's these snakes in the grass that hurt us deeply.

This Loree O'Neil is quite the sneak. She hides behind political animosity towards Israel when what she is really saying is that Jews are hated in history so what better reason to hate the Jews?

Her logic is circular. It is right to hate Jews because Jews are hated.

I am glad that you saw through the guise of Anti-Israel to the true feelings of this hateful woman. And her poetry ____ not so good either.

Anonymous said...

You have left yourself wide open for legal action....for in this country, everyone (as yet anyway) is entitled to an opinion, which is all this is.
I have followed the personal attacks for several years by this Catnapping poster on the Slate boards...Cat (for shrot) is one sick and jealous person.
In all fairness there are many threads you should read before passing judgment, and it would have been prudent to have left5 this one alone.
Watch out for litagation as the poet, Loree O'Neil has many who can and would happily testify on her behalf and the atrocious treatment she has been shown by this Catnapping person.

I would hate to see that happen.

There is only ONE 'judge' and it isn't you, it isn't me, nor is it any mortal man, and when one sets themself up as Judge, and takes over God's job, then that person is indeed in dire straits.

Just consider this a warning from a friend, and as one who is concerned and a peace lover, above all else.

Using the internet to prosecute someone, when you have not known the facts, is a dangerous way to go, and makes you liable for all kinds of things, including a huge money settlement.

Perhaps you might start by removing the links you have on Google, Yahoo, and no doubt your own web site, and your blog.

You are in over your head, my friend, and I would hate to see that happen.

Concerned for you.

Wild Widow said...

Dear Catnapping, Loree O'neil is entitled to her opinion of Jews and I am not questioning that.

I have asked my lawyer and he said that there is nothing actionable in my blog. Loree O'Neil is a person who wrote these comments in public with the intention that other people should read them. I have the proof of Loree O'Neils posts on the internet. And there are two of her posts on the same forum where she writes.

And now my lawyer has seen them to and so there is another witness that she said these things about Jews which is racist and not Christian at all.

Catnapping said...

Jenn. My name is Catnapping. I am not the person who threatened you. That person is a friend of Loree O'Neils...a fellow racist.

I agree with you and your decision to delete Loree's poem from your blog. She is a racist. She has always hated Jews and posted anti-semitic crap on the Fray.

The two posts I had highlighted there were not the first. She was outted back in April 2004 when she posted at Slate's Fray that Jews "had to be stopped."

And I agree with Chaya. Loree's particular MO is especially dangerous. When confronted, she claims that she is merely anti-zionist. That is a lie. She has put IN WRITING that Jews control the media; that they control Hollywood; and that they control the Banks...and intend to take over the world! If it wasn't so disgusting it would be hilarious.

I should disclose here that I am anti-Zionist. I do not support Israel's policies, and find them racist. But my GOD, wtf does that have to do with Judaism or the Jews?

Loree O'Neil has PROVEN herself to be anti-semitic. One need only read her posts. And should you need the originals, I have screenshots. She doesn't dare try to sue anyone. Too many people have read her hate-filled posts at Slate.

I can't help but wonder what her readers would think if they only knew...

Wild Widow said...

Dear Catnapping, I understand now. The person who made this comment is making a threat.

I like what you wrote on the Slate discussion Forum. I agree with you One Hundred percent.

On another note, I adore your funny haiku Christmas cards and I would like to link to your web site. May I feature one of your illustrations in a weblog entry? I can't find an email address for you and I looked all over your main page and your Blogger profile.

Catnapping said...

Thank you! Yes. I love that you'd want to.

I rarely post at the Fray anymore. It's a waste of good energy. The folks worth reading have blogs of their own.

Catnapping said...

Holy Cow. I was googling my nickname, and found this old thread. I'm not sure you're still here, but I have news.

According to Loree Mason O'neil, her reputation is in tatters. I'm not sure of the actual events, but from what she's posted on the Fray, she has lost website readership. In addition, she claims that the revelation that she's antisemitic has affected sales of her poetry book.

Personally, I think she's exaggerating. I visited her poetry site once, and her google PR was only a 3. When I read her claims of disaster, I went back, and saw that her google rating continued at 3.

As far as book sales go, the volume was from a vanity press, and I believe that Loree was the only person promoting the book.

It stands to reason that sales flagged because there wasn't any real interest. Loree's humorous poems are pretty good, but the sentimental ones are better suited for greeting cards. (btw, I don't mean that as an insult. There's a large market for that sort of poetry, and had Loree found herself a good manager, she'd probably be working for American or Comstock.)

Anyhow, as much as I'd like to believe Loree's claims of professional disaster, they're unlikely since she never achieved success in the first place.

Any discomfort she's experiencing...any public humiliation at the discovery of her racism - well, that's all good. I couldn't be happier.